Handling & Shipping

We ship to virtually every country around the world, except for those products that cannot be shipped to certain destinations. If your order cannot be shipped, we will notify you.

It may be easier for the shipping company to read and handle your package if you enter your address in English.

Costs of shipping

You can view the shipping cost on the description page for each product and in the checkout step for each product, depending on the type, location, shipping method, and warehouse you selected.

On each page, make sure you select the correct country of destination in the “Country/Region” field;

2. Select a shipping method;

The page will show an estimate of the shipping cost.

The shipping cost shown at checkout represents the current shipping rate for most countries. It is possible that the actual shipping cost will be higher than what is shown at checkout. If such an additional charge is incurred, you will be informed and your confirmation will be required before your order or transaction can be processed.

Timeline for delivery

Lead time and shipping time are added together to determine the total delivery time.

It usually lasts for 1-5 days and is shown on the product description page after the product name.

The shipping time is the time it takes between the time your order is shipped and when it is delivered. (It usually takes about 15-20 business days depending on the shipping method.)

Be aware that all times and dates quoted, communicated or otherwise stated are not guaranteed and may be subject to delays for reasons beyond our control. This includes customs holds on your products causing further delays in the delivery process. We shall not be held accountable for any late or non-delivery, unless otherwise set out in the paragraph following this one.

Should there be a delay in receiving your product more than 14 business days from the date your order or transaction was confirmed and payment received, or the estimated delivery date, whichever is latter, then you may reject, cancel or terminate the order. We are responsible for such tardiness in delivery that leads to rejection, cancellation or termination and you are only eligible for a refund in this instance – no interest included.

The insurance industry

You are solely responsible for any risks associated with transporting the purchased product(s) between yourself and us. Under certain laws or international treaties, the carrier may not be liable for any potential damage to the item. We strongly advise you to acquire adequate insurance to cover against any losses or damages incurred during transit. Please contact us if you have queries regarding available insurance rates for your order or transaction.

All items are carefully packed for the purpose of export and generally delivered in the standard one-way export package. (In any exceptional cases, the package will be at our cost, which will be determined by the verifiable net cost.) However, if items are damaged or lost in transit, we will not be liable for them.

Such insurance shall be purchased in accordance with the insurance terms and conditions of the underwriter by whom it is issued; provided, however, that the coverage provided shall not exceed the invoice value of the items.

You can contact us to initiate a claim for any loss or damage to your product under our insurance policy if you have purchased such an insurance policy through us. Upon receiving confirmation from the insurance company regarding acceptance of the claim and payment of the compensation, we will refund the cost or replace the product.